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Internet journalist attacked, again
                                       Assailants used rubber bullets in latest incident
                                  Unknown  assailants  shot  at  and  wounded  the  editor  of  a
                            Ukrainian investigative News Web site on Jan. 12 in what appears
                            to be another attempt to intimidate independent journalists.
                                  Oleh  Yeltsov,  the  founder  of  Ukrainska  Kriminalnaya
                            (Criminal  Ukraine),  was  shot  twice  at  about  10:00  p.m.  as  he
                            accompanied his wife home to their apartment in Kyiv’s Darnytsya
                                  “The first shot hit me in the back of the leg,” said Yeltsov,
                            who said he was hit a second time in the chest after the assailant
                            circled  around  to  face  him  at  point-blank  range.  Rubber  bullets
                            were used in the attack.
                                  Yeltsov said the bullets caused painful bruises but drew little
                                  “It  was  another  weird  attack,”  said  Yeltsov,  whose  site
                            publishes  investigative  reports  that  allege  the  corruption  of
                            government officials. Verkhovna Rada deputies frequently cite his
                            reports  in  formal  requests  to  investigate  alleged  official
                                  The writer has been targeted for reprisals before.
                                  Yeltsov  was  beaten  by  two  unidentified  men  in  July,  and
                            claimed that the attack was connected to his attempts to investigate
                            the murder of reporter Georgiy Gongadze, whose headless corpse
                            was  found  in  2000.  Ukraine’s  opposition  has  linked  President
                            Leonid Kuchma to Gongadze’s murder. The veteran leader denies
                            any involvement.
                                  Two  men,  one  carrying  a  lead  pipe  and  other  an  electro-
                            shock device, on July 24 attacked him near his home. Yeltsov then
                            sustained a welt on the back of his head and an electric burn on his
                                  Hours  before  the  latest  attack,  the  Institute  of  Mass
                            Information, which represents the Paris-based Reporters Without
                            Borders  watchdog  group,  reported  a  “strengthening  of  certain

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