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9.  Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.
                                1)  The bill was adopted with minor amendments.
                                2)  The bill attempts to define and limit pornography.
                                3)  The bill has been sent to the president after its adoption by
                                   the Parliament.
                                4)  If  signed  into  law  the  national  commission  of  experts
                                   would enforce the legislation.
                                5)  If the president signs the legislation, it will similarly effect
                                   affect all publications.
                                6)  Under this provision, many journals and newspapers would
                                   be distributed in opaque packaging.
                                7)  The  commission  of  experts  appointed  by  the  government
                                   wouldn’t give license to a large portion of newsstands.
                                8)  The protection of the public morality from the products that
                                   have a negative influence is a bill’s stated goal.
                                9)  The law doesn’t give the criterion to differentiate the key
                                   notions of pornography and erotica.
                                10) After adding of the minor amendments the legislation was

                            10. Discuss:
                                1)  Should our government ban pornography in mass media in
                                   our country?
                                2)  Is it always easy to differentiate between erotica and
                                3)  Can you name some of the countries where pornography is
                                   banned? Allowed?

                            11. Build up plan of the text.

                            12. Write the brief summary of the article.

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