Page 71 - 662
P. 71

Reprisals – acts of violence or other strong reaction, to punish
                                your enemies or opponents for something they have done
                                Freelance  –  working  independently  for  several  different
                                companies  or  organizations  rather  than  being  directly
                                employed by one

                            2. Scan the text and give the gist of the article.

                            3. Reproduce the situation in which the following is used. Translate
                                1)  the attempts to intimate the journalists
                                2)  to circle around to face smb.
                                3)  to allege the corruption of smb.
                                4)  to deny any involvements
                                5)  to criticize smb. for failing to do smth.
                                6)  the highest profile crimes
                                7)  a vanished journalist
                                8)  to express concern about smth.

                            4. Answer the following questions.
                                1.  Who  became  a  victim  of  an  unknown  assailants’  shot  on
                                January 12?
                                2.   Oleh   Yeltsov    was   the   founder    of   Ukrainska
                                Kriminalnaya,wasn’t he?
                                3. What was Yeltsov attacked for?
                                4. How does Georgiy Gongadze have to do with the attacks?
                                5. Who is considered to be guilty in Gongadze’s death?
                                6. What did Yeltsov write about in his investigative reports?
                                7. What was re-published in Ukrainska Pravda?
                                8.  Why  do  the  Western  governments  worry  about  the
                                journalists’ safety in Ukraine?

                            5. Translate into English and reproduce the situation in which the
                            following is used.
                                     редактор українських кримінальних новин
                                     бути пораненим

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