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b)  The  lack  of  clarity  has  allowed  the  expert  commission
                                   abusing of its authority.
                                c)  The lack of clarity has allowed the expert commission to
                                   abuse its authority.
                                6)  Депутати  прийняли  закон  після  того,  як  були  додані
                                   незначні поправки Генадієм Васильєвим.
                                a)  When minor amendments were added by Henady Vasylyev
                                   the bill had been adopted by the deputies.
                                b)  Deputies  adopted  the  bill  after  minor  amendments  were
                                   added by  Henady Vasylyev.
                                c)  Deputies  adopted  the  bill  as  there  have  been  minor
                                   amendments added by  Henady Vasylyev.

                            6.  Translate into English and reproduce the situation in which the
                                following is used.
                                1)  спірний, дискусійний
                                2)  швидко, негайно, відразу
                                3)  за таких умов
                                4)  ліквідувати газетні кіоски
                                5)  основа для захисту
                                6)  національна експертна комісія
                                7)  обвинувачувати закон в чомусь
                                8)  транслювати фільми
                                9)  забороняти розгляд чогось
                                10) істотні поправки

                            7.  Choose the true statement.
                                1)  The bill attempts to define and limit pornography.
                                2)  Everyone gladly accepted the legislation.
                                3)  The bill hasn’t been sent to the president.
                                4)  A  national  commission  of  experts  appointed  by  the
                                   President Leonid Kuchma would enforce the legislation.
                                5)  The  legislation  would  require  publications  with  erotic  or
                                   sexual content not to be distributed.

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