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negative  tendencies”  regarding  press  protections  in  Ukraine,”
                            concluding  that  the  safety  of  journalists  deteriorated  in  2003,
                            compared to the previous year.
                                  Three journalists were killed or died in unclear circumstances
                            in  Ukraine  in  2003,  according  to  IMI,  which  criticized  the
                            government for failing to solve one of the country’s highest-profile
                            crimes, the abduction of opposition journalist Georgiy Gongadze
                            in 2000.
                                  Yeltsov,  then  a  freelance  journalist,  that  year  authored  an
                            investigative report about high-level corruption for a Russian Web
                            site.  Gongadze  re-published  the  work  on  his  Ukrainska  Pravda
                            (Ukrainian  Truth) Web  site on Sept. 4, and  vanished two weeks
                                  Western governments expressed concerns about journalists’
                            safety in Ukraine after Gongadze’s decapitated corpse turned up in
                            a forest outside Kyiv.
                                  Through President Leonid Kuchma was vowed to strengthen
                            media protections, attacks on journalists have become more - not
                            less – frequent.
                                                                               By Peter Byrne
                                                                               From Kyiv Post

                            1. Learn the glossary.
                                Investigative – involving examining an event or a situation to
                                find out the truth.
                                Bullet – a small mental object that is fired from a gun.
                                Corruption – dishonest or illegal behavior, especially of
                                people in authority.
                                To allege – to say something is true or that someone has done
                                something wrong even though this has not been proved
                                Impropriety  –  behavior  or  a  particular  action  that  is
                                unacceptable  according  to  moral,  social,  or  professional

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