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The  conflict  arose  because  Russians  were
                              building  a  fill  dam  on  Taman’  peninsula  in
                              the  direction  of  Ukrainian  island  Tuzla.  The
                              Russian-Ukrainian  negotiations  resulted  in
                              delimitation of border in the Sea of Azov.
            October, 31       Presidential  elections  (the  first  round).  24
            2004              candidates  took  part  without  a  winner.  The
                              first and second places were occupied by V.
                              Yushchenko, a leader of  “Our Ukraine” bloc
                              (39.87%)  and  V.  Yanukovych,  the  Prime
                              Minister  (39.32%).  The  elections  of  2004
                              demonstrated  the  fall  of  popularity  of  left
                              candidates.  O.  Moroz  got  5.8%,  P.
                              Symonenko  (the  CPU)  -    4.97%  and  N.
                              Vitrenko  (The  Progressive  Socialist  Party)  –
            November, 21      The  second  round  of  presidential  elections.
            2004              The  Central  Election  Commission  (CEC)
                              during  the  second  round  of  presidential
                              elections  announced  V.  Yanukovych  the
                              president  (by  their  version,  V.  Yanukovych
                              got  49.46%,  V.  Yushchenko  got  46.91%).
                              Другий  тур  президентських  виборів.
                              Центральна виборча комісія (ЦВК) під час
                              другого  туру  президентських  виборів
                              оголосила     новим      президентом      В.
                              Януковича  (начебто  набрав  49.46%,  а  В.
                              Ющенко – 46.91%). But the Supreme Court
                              of  Ukraine  banned  to  promulgate  the  results
                              of  the  elections  officially  until  the  Court’s
                              determination  of  the  case.  It  was  due  to  a
                              great   number    of   complaints    of   V.
                              Yushchenko’s  representatives.  At  the  same

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