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deducted from earnings to             be  offset  against  capital      the  maximum  rate  of
            pay for pensions; sick pay            gains.                            VAT. Some goods and

            and  other  benefits.  There                 Note:  If  you  run        services      are     zero

            are  various  clas-ses  of            your business from home           rated,      others      are

            National  Insu-rance  and             and  claim  some  of  the         exempt  altogether.  It

            advice  can  be  obtained             costs  of  running  your          is  important  that  you

            from  your  local  Social             home  as  a  business             are  fully  aware  of

            Security office.                      expense  you  will  not  be       VAT           regulations

                                                  liable for CGT. However,          relating      to      your

            Corporation Tax  This                 if  you  use  part  of  your      business.  You  can  get

            is the tax paid by  limited           home  only  for    business       leaflets free from your

            companies. It is important            purposes,  you  will  pay         local VAT office. Ask

            that  company  directors              CGT  on  any  gain  from          your accountant if you

            think     carefully     about
                                                  that part of your home.           don't understand them.
            ways  to  minimise  the

            effects  of  Corporation
                                                  Inheritance  Tax  This
            Tax. This is an area where                                              Other  taxes  There
                                                  taxes  capital  which  is
            an accountant will be able                                              are  other  taxes  which
                                                  transferred  at  death,  or
            to help you.                                                            you  may  need  to  be
                                                  within seven years before
                                                                                    aware of, but these are
            Capital       Gains      Tax                                            the  most  common.  If

            (CGT)                                                                   you  think  you  have

            This  tax  is  on  capital            VAT You must register             missed  something  in

            profits  obtained  from  the          your  business  for  VAT          your  assessment  of

            sale of some                          if  you  expect  your             your  tax  liability,  ask

            fixed assets (e.g. land and           tyrnover  to  exceed  the         your accountant.

            buildings,  goodwill  etc.)           threshold  specified  in

            or     investments.      Any          the  Chancellor's  most           When         to      start

            capital  losses  sustained            recent     budget.       Not
                                                                                    trading     This is    an
            from  sales  of  assets  may          everything  is  subject  to
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