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face     and      the     basic        Account  can  earn  you          toms       and      Excise
           questions  to  ask  yourself,          valuable      interest    on     duties,    VAT,    stamp

           your      local     Enterprise         money         which      will    duties).
           Agency or  your accountant             eventually  pay  your  tax        Income  Tax    If  you

           before  you  face  them.  The          bill.                             operate  as  a  sole  trader
           rules  change  with  each                                                you  will  pay  normal

           year's.  Budget,  so  you                                                rates of Income Tax on

           certainly need   good advice                                             your  profits  (including

           from       a      professional                                           the  salary  you  pay

           (usually    your accountant)                                             yourself).

           who     is    following     the                                             If  you  operate  as  a

           technical     changes      very                                          partnership,            the

           closely and is able to apply                                             amount of Income Tax

           them to your business.                                                   charged on profits will

            An unexpected tax bill can                                              depend  on  the  Income

            kill  a  small  business  so                                            Tax  rates  paid  by
                                                    Which taxes might I
            you    must  be    able  to                      face?                  individual  partners  on
                                                There are quite a few taxes
            anticipate       your      tax                                          their income.
                                                on       businesses        and
            liabilities. Once you know                                                 If  you  operate  as  a
                                                individuals and you should
            what you will be expected                                               limited  company,  you
                                                be  aware  of  the  broader
            to  pay  you  can  set  about                                           will pay income tax on
                                                implications  of  each  of
            the task of arranging your                                              your  salary  at  normal
                                                them.  Knowledge  gives
            business  activities  so  that                                          rates.  Any  profits  left
                                                you  control!  There  are
            your  tax  bills  are  kept  to                                         in the business will be
                                                direct taxes on income and
            the minimum. At the same                                                liable  for  Corporation
                                                profits  (e.g.  Income  Tax,
            time,  it  is  a  good  idea  to                                        Tax (see below).

            save money to provide for           Corporation Tax), taxes on
                                                capital (Capital  Gains Tax
            these expected bills, and a
                                                                                    National  Insurance
                                                and Inheritance Tax)    and
            Barclays Business Deposit
                                                                                    National  Insurance  is
                                                indirect  taxes  (e.g.  Cus-
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