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decision.                             expenses  can  be  claimed        Insurance,    Legal  and
            Remember   that   you  are            by your business, but the         professional fees.

            not  constrained  by  either          list is likely to include the     ___________________
            tax  or  calendar  year.  You         list is likely to include the
                                                                                    Gifts  up  to  a  certain
            can start trading when you            following.
                                                                                    value  (providing  these
            choose,  and  the  right              ____________________
                                                                                    are  for  a  commercial
            choice  might  mean  the              Running  costs  -  those
                                                                                    purpose e.g. promotion,
            difference  of  11  months            costs which are necessary
            before  you  pay  your  tax           to  keep  the  business

            bill  -  nearly  one  year's          going,  such  as  lighting,

            interest-free  use  of  the           telephone, advertising etc.

            taxman's      money!  This            ____________________
                                                  The cost of  goods bought
            clearly  has  implications                                              Keep  a  record  of  all
                                                  for  resale  or  manufac-
            for  your  business  in                                                 your  business  related
            general,  and  for  your                                                expenses. Your accoun-
            cashflow  in  particular.                                               tant  will  advise  you
                                                  Carriage,  packing  and
            Ask  your  accountant  or                                               which  to record against
                                                  delivery costs.
            local  Enterprise  Agency                                               your tax liability. There
            for advice.                           Wages  and  salaries  (but        are many ways  of redu-

                                                  not  payments  to  yourself       cing  business  taxation

            Business           expenses           if you are self-employed).        within  the  law  but,

            During the course of your             ____________________              unless     you     are    a

            financial year you will run           Some travel expenses.             specialist,  it  is  unlikely
                                                  ____________________              that you will be able to
            up  expenses,  many  of               Hire purchase and leasing

                                                                                    follow  the  complicated
            which  can  be  claimed               costs.
                                                                                    regulations  and  techni-
            against  tax  (even  if  you
            are      operating       your         Interest    on    loans    and    cal     jargon       which

            business      from     home).         overdrafts  relating  to  the     obscure  the  ways  of

            Your  accountant  will  tell          business.                         reducing      your      tax

            you       exactly       which         ____________________              liability.     It     is,  34
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