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answers to these ques-tions           having it typed, and don't      important  questions,  as
            at the outset.                        overcrowd      the    page.     your  ability  to  answer

                                                  Ensure       that      your     them  will  determine  the
                                                  headings  are  clear  and       manager’s  response  to

                                                  that  all  the  figures  you    your approach.
                                                  use  add  up  correctly.

                                                  Clarity and simplicity are

                                                  the  key  words.  If  your

                                                  business       plan        is

                                                  confusing it is unlikely to

                                                  convince    your    bank

               Your bank manager will             manager.

            base     the    decision     on

            whether  or  not  to  lend  to

            your business on his or her

            assessment        of      your

            business  plan.  Ultimately

            the  decision  has  to  be  a

            financial  one.  But  if  you

            present  your  plan  to  the

            bank  on  the  back  of  an
                                                     Your  manager  will
            envelope  it  may  indicate
                                                  also want to  assess  your
            that     you       have      an
                                                  personal  qualities  and
            unbusinesslike         attitude
                                                  your    reliability,   your
            which      is   unlikely     to
                                                  capacity    to    stay    in
            impress      your     potential
                                                  business  and  fulfil  the
            customers.    So    try      to
                                                  promise of your business
            prepare  your business plan
            in  a  clear,  professional
                                                     You  need  to  think
            way. Consider typing it, or
                                                  carefully  about  these

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