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P. 37
option a two year 'capital fixed rate is reviewed at will normally be
holiday' can be arranged, the end of each fixed rate credited within a few
during which you need period, and there is an minutes.
only pay off the interest, option with the base rate
Keeping track of your
thereby reducing your option to switch to the
financial position
initial outgoings fixed rate at any time.
Quality decision -
- an endowment mortgage We will require security
making depends on
- a pension mortgage. in the form of a mortgage
quality of information,
With the endowment on the property to be
and you need a
and pension-linked repay- purchased. In the case of
comprehensive picture
ment options you can an endowment mortgage,
of your financial
improve your cashflow the endowment policy
position. Our Business
throughout the term of must also be assigned to
Master service allows
your mortgage, because Barclays as security. For
your computer to link
you pay only the interest pension mortgages, life
directly with ours and
and the life assurance or insurance cover will be
lets you access your
pension premiums during required.
vital account informa-
the mortgage period with Urgent large
payments tion when you want it.
repayment of the capital
If you occasionally need
sum being deferred until This gives you much
to make large one-off
greater ability to
the end.
payments in a hurry, you
deploy your resources
can simply call into your
profitably - for
nearest Barclays branch
example, minimising
and we will do the rest
borrowings and
through the Clearing
making me best use of
House Automated Pay-
surplus funds.
ments System, CHAPS
For more informa-
for short. The payment
Interest rates can be tion on our money
fixed or variable. The transmission