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services,  ask  for  the              Whatever  finance  you            simple arrangement fee.
            relevant  Fact  Sheets  or            need,  we  appreciate  that       The  interest  charged

            talk  to  the  Business               you  need a quick answer          will  vary  as  the  Bank's
            Banker  at  your  local               to your request.                  base rate changes.

            branch.                               With  Barclays,  applica-                   Loans
                                                                                       For      longer  -  term
             Financing your business              tion      is      simple      and
            Many  businesses  prosper                                               finance  Barclays  offers
                                                  straightforward  and  we
            in their early days without                                             a  range  of  business
                                                  are  geared  to  providing
            any need for finance from                                               loans,  starting      from
                                                  assistance swiftly.
            a  bank.  For  others,  some
                                                    Alternatively,  we  have
            kind  of  financial  help  is                                              All  our  loans  offer  a
                                                  produced a range of Fact          choice  between  a  fixed
            essential.  This  may  be
                                                  Sheets,     which       give      interest  rate,  where  the
            needed as 'working capital'
                                                  detailed  information  on         rate  stays  the  same
            for day-to-day expenses or
                                                  the  different  types  of         throughout the period of
            to  purchase  equipment  or
                                                  finance available.                the loan, and a variable
            other  assets.  Even  those
                                                                                    interest  rate,  where  the
            who  start  without  outside                                            rate varies according to
            finance  are  likely  to  need        The  easiest  way  to  raise      changes  in  the  Bank's

            finance  at  a  later  'stage  if     money  for  immediate             base rate. The following

            they wish to expand.                  day-today expenses, on a          loans can be  used   for

                                                  short-term  basis,  is  an        working capital, to meet

                                                  overdraft.  It  is  simple        day-to-day expenses, or

                                                  convenient and  flexible -        to  buy  equipment  or
                                                                                    other assets.
                                                  you  simply  increase  and

                                                  decrease  your  borrowing

                                                  in  line  with  your  needs

                                                  (with  an  agreed  upper

               Barclays     provides  a           limit).  You  pay  only  for

                                                  as  much  finance  as  you
            comprehensive     range of

            loans  and  other  finance.           are actually using - and a                                 37
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