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therefore,  good  business                                              between  two  and  seven
            practice     to   make      an                                          years.  70%  of  the  loan

            appointment  to  see  your                                              (or 85% in some cases)
            accountant  maybe  nine                                                 is  guaranteed  by  the

            months       through     your                                           Govern-ment  in  return
            business      year.        Let                                          for payment of a simple

            him/her  look  at  your                                                 premium.
                                                 Loan Guarantee Scheme
            books  and  advise  on  the                                              Barclays Commercial
                                                Some small and new busi-
            potential     tax     liability                                                 Mortgage
                                                nesses  have  a  problem  in
            being  built  up.  He/she                                               If  you  need  to  buy

            may  be  able  to  suggest          satisfying  normal  require-        premises       for    your

            ways  in  which  you  can           ments       for      receiving      business,  you  may  be

            legitimately keep your tax          finance,  most  commonly            interested  in  Commer-

            bills down, by taking steps         because  of  lack  of  appro-       cial Mortgage.
                                                priate  security,  or  because
            then,  which  may  not  be                                                  The  sum  advanced
                                                available     security     has
            possible  after  the  end  of                                           can be up to 80% of the

            your financial year.                already  been  exhausted  in        valuation or cost of the

                                                support of existing finance.        property,  whichever  is

                     Your next step             In    certain    cases,     the     the lower.
            We      hope      we     have       Government will guarantee              You can borrow from

            managed  to  give  you  an          most  of  a  loan,  which
                                                                                    as little as £15,001, with
            overview  of  what  is              makes it possible for  us  to
                                                                                    no upper limit, and pay
            required  in  the  way  of          lend  in   circum
                                                                                    it back over a period of
            financial  planning  if  your         stances  where  ordinarily        up to 25 years.

            business is to succeed, and           we  would  not  do  so.  A           You      can     choose

            also some practical advice            loan of up to £100,000 is         between:

            for  day-to-day  financial            available (up to £250,000

            management.                           for  businesses  that  have
                                                                                     - a  monthly  repayment
                                                  traded  for  two  years  or
                                                                                    mortgage.  With  this
                                                  more)  for  any  period
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