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            Many businesses start and             you  should  be  able  to       an exact reflection of the

            prosper      without      any         assess  the  costs  very        way  your  financial  year

            outside  finance.  Others  -          accurately. But you also        works out in reality. Even

            either  at  the  beginning  or        need  to  work  out  how        so,  you  should  break  the

            later  -  need  some.  Will           much  money  you  will          year  down  into  monthly

            your       business      need         need  to  keep  your            financial  periods,  and

            working capital? Will you             business    going    on    a    assess  how  your  income

            deal  mainly  in  cash,  or           day-to-day     basis,    to     and      outgoings       will

            credit? Will  you want the            cover any gaps between          compare  in  each  period.

            flexible  borrowing  power            your  income  and  your         This will allow you to see

            of an agreed overdraft? Or            outgoings.      This     is     when  your  borrowing

            will  you  need  a  loan    to        known      as    ’working       requirement is going to be

            buy  equipment  such  as              capital’.  It  is  very         greatest.

            machinery  or  vehicles,  or          important  to  seek  the

            premises?                             right  amount  of  finance        How are you going to
                                                  -  too  much  would  cost              pay it back?

             How much will you need?              you  more  than  you            You       need      to     be

            “That      depends”,      you         would want to pay, and          confident       that    your

            might  answer.  But  your             too      little     would,      business  is  going  to

            bank manager will want to             obviously,      not      be     generate  enough  cash  to

            know what it depends on.              enough.                         repay     the    borrowing

                                                                                  within  the  agreed  term.
            Your  cashflow  forecast
            will  give  you  a  good                     And when?                If you agree an overdraft

            indication.  Fог  a  start,           You  should  be  able  to       facility  to  supplement

            how      much      are    you         assess  your    overheads   working           capital    you

            investing  yourself  ?    If          fairly    accurately,  but      must  be  sure  that  you

            you are borrowing to buy              your     first    cashflow      are  able  to  pay  the

                                                  forecast is unlikely to be      interest as well as being
            equipment  or    premises,

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