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able      to     repay      the       equivalent of the amount           Broadly         speaking,
            overdraft  from  money                that  you  require  to          before meeting your bank

            owed  to  you.  Should  you           borrow.      In      certain    manager,  you  should  be
            require  a  loan  to  buy  a          circumstances  the  bank        asking yourself some key

            specific  item,  repayment            may  ask  whether  you          questions.
            will  normally  have  to  be          have  any  security  -  for     _____________________

            made regularly out of your            example,  life  assurance       What type of business do
                                                  policies,     land      and
            income.                                                               you intend to start - and is
                                                  property,  business  assets
                                                                                  it likely to succeed?
              What security will you              etc.
              put up to minimise the
                                                                                  Do you have the personal
                     bank's risk?
                                                                                  qualities needed?
            No  bank  will  lend  you
                                                                                  Will  you  need  money  to
            money  if  the  manager                                               establish  or  expand  your

            thinks  that  you    will  have                                       business?
                                                  What  will  the  bank
            problems  repaying,    no
                                                  expect from you?
            matter  how  much  security
                                                                                  Do  you  need the bank to
                                                  If  you  need  to  borrow
            you  put  up.  Businesses,
                                                                                  lend it to you?
                                                  money  then  your  bank
            sadly, can  fail  for all sorts
                                                  manager       and      your
            of  reasons  -  and  the  bank
                                                                                  If so, how much?
            will  want  to  recover  any          professional    advisers
            finance they may have lent            need  to  understand  how
                                                                                  And when?
            you.                                  you  see  your  business
            Your 100 per cent cornmit-            developing.  They  can
                                                                                  How are you going to pay
            ment  to  the  business  is           then  assess  the  viability
                                                                                  it back?
            essential.                            of    your     plans    and

             Part of that commitment is           forecasts  and  give  you       Do you  have any security

            the  level  of  financial             advice and practical help.      you could offer the bank?

            investment  that  you  are            But,  first,  what  does  the   Your  bank  manager  will
            going  to  make.  Normally            bank expect from you?           expect  you  to  know  the

            this     should      be     the

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