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            Once you have made your               -  to  cover  your  premises         Without  the  right

            business  plan,  checking             against fire, flood, etc.         type  of  insurance  the

            every  aspect  of  your               -        loss  of  profit  due  to   survival    of     your

            business     and     deciding         inter- ruption    to     your     business      could      be

            whether  or  not  you  need           business activity                 threatened.

            help  with  the  finance  you         -    damages  for  injury  to        The  Barclays  Group

                                                                                    can  provide  all  the
            need  to  consider  some              an employee, customer or
                                                                                    protection you need.
            other  areas, two of which            supplier  while  on  your

            are insurance and taxation.           premises

               It  is  important  that  you       -    your  own  inability  to
                                                                                   It  is  very  important  to
            understand  the  implica-             work  due  to  serious
                                                                                   you  to  make  sure  that
            tions of both of these from           illness  or  injury
                                                                                   you pay no more in tax
            the beginning since failure           -  any  special  risks  which
                                                                                   then  you  are  actually
            to  do  so  could  result  in         apply  to  your  particular
                                                                                   obliged        to      pay,
            serious repercussions   for           type of business
                                                                                   although  you  are  of
            your business later on.               -    loss  of  life  -  what
                                                                                   course  legally  obliged
                                                  happens to your family in
                                                                                   to provide accurate tax
                     Insurance                    the event of your death
                                                                                   returns.  Poor  record-
            It  is  very  important  that
                                                  -    share  protection  -  will
                                                                                   keeping,       inadequate
            you  take  out  adequate
                                                  you retain control of your
                                                                                   understanding             of
            insurance  to  protect  your
                                                  business  if  your  partner
                                                                                   available  tax  relief,
            business's  future.  This
                                                  or a fellow director dies.
                                                                                   and  lack  of  the  right
            should  include  protection
                                                                                   advice  can  all  lead  to
                                                                                   paying excess tax. The
              -      the  cost  of  replacing
                                                                                   purpose of this section
              stock     or     equipment
                                                                                   is  to  examine  some  of
              which  is  lost,  stolen  or
                                                                                   the  issues  -  what  sort
                                                                                   of  taxes  you  might
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