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advise       you       on                   As  always  get              compare             your
            which              other            good        professional           progress           against

            records you should                  advice  if  you  are  in           your        plan        and
            reep  and  how  they                any  doubt  about  your            identify any potential

            can be written up and               records.                           problems early on
            balanced.                                   Remember  the                control             your

                                                Inland  Revenue  and               cashflow

            Key  points  Keep  all              Customs  &  Excise                   amend               your

            your  records    and                (VAT)  are  interested             original  plans  in  the

            write       them        up          in  your  records  –               light  of  any  changes

            promtly  and  regu-                 and  you  are  obliged             in circumstances.

            larly  –  do  not  allow            by  law  to  report

            invoices  and  rece-                accurately to them.                 Other information

            ipts to accumulate in                       Accurate  and              Give  the  names  of

            a bottom drawer.                    up-to-date        records          your        professional

                     Have  a  look              can        help       your         advisers  such  as  an

            at  the  various  ready             business       avert       a       accountant                or

            made record systems                 crisis  as  well  as               solicitor,       if     you

            which  are  on  the                 saving  money  with                have       one.       State

            market  –  they  could              your accountant.                   whether  or  not  your

            simplify  matters  for                                                 business  is  or  will

            you.     (Larger       and          What  can  I  do  with             be     registered        for

            more             complex            all this information?              VAT  –  you  must

            business  may  find  a              Once  you  have  a                 register        if      the

            computer         package            basic      book-reeping            income         of     your

            helpful,  but  discuss              system          it        is       business        will     be

            with                 your           important  to  use  the            over  the  limit  set  by

            accountant             the          information  it  holds             the  Chancellor  of

            system  he/she  would               to help you to:                    the  Exchequer  each

            recommend for you.)                                                    year.  You  can  find

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