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able  to  get  from  your                   Premises
                                                customers  –  evidence                 and equipment

                                                shows        that     many          -----------------------
                                                small          businesses          What  premises  will

                                                charge less than their             be operating from?
                                                customers  are  prepa-              ----------------------

                                                red to pay.                        Are they adequate?

                                                   Does your price cover            ----------------------

                                                the    direct    cost     of       How  much  will  they
                                                producing  your  product           cost?

                                                and provide a reasonable            ----------------------
                 Don’t  base  your
                                                cont-ribution  to  cover           Do  you  need  to  buy
            prices      on       your
                                                your overheads?                    vehicles  or  machi-
            estimate  of  your  own
            costs – keep an eye on
                                                         Supplies                   ----------------------
            your  competitors  and
                                                 -------------------------         If    so,     have      you
            the market generally.
                                                Are             adequate           assessed the cost?
                     Your prices
                                                supplies available?                 ----------------------
            are a vital part of your
                                                 ----------------------            And  how  you  will
            business success. Try
                                                Is the quality good?               pay for them?
            to ensure that they
                                                 ----------------------             ----------------------
            give you a
                                                Can         you         get
            competitive edge.
                                                supplies  at  the  right                   Personnel
                 Remember  it  is
                                                price for you?                      -----------------------------
            generally  easier  to
                                                 ----------------------            -
            bring  prices  down
                                                Do  you  know  what                Will you need to employ
            than  to  put  them
                                                credit is available?               people?
                                                 ----------------------            If so, do you know how
                 What’s  the  best
            price  you  will  be

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