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may be able to get a                 them  to  discuss  the              Ask  them  searching
            lot      of       useful             ways  in  which  they  do           questions  about  their

            information           by             business.                           buying  habits  and  the
            asking  friends  and                    Try to find out about            kind  of  prices  they  are

            contacts,  looking  at               competitors  –  look  at            prepared  to  pay  for
            adverts  in  the  local              their promotional litera-           your product or service.

            paper  and  Yellow                   ture,  find  out  about             You  must,  of  course,

            Pages.  If  you  are                 their  prices  and  use             treat       all       this

            aiming  for  wider                   their  products  yourself           information with care –

            sales     your     local             if possible.                        people  are  sometimes

            library  should  have                   If  you  plan  to  trade         likely  to  tell  you  what

            much         of      the             in  the  “High  Street”  it         they think  you want to

            published      material              is  absolutely  vital  that         hear!

            on     market     sizes,             you      research       the            By  the  time  you

            trends,  statistics  and             location.  How  many                have  completed  your

            so on, a great deal of               potential customers will            research  you  will  have

            it  being  Government                be  walking  past  your             some  good  ideas  about

            infor-mation  which                  door  in  any  given                how     your     business

            you  can  obtain  free               location?  This  traffic            might  develop.  You

            of charge. You shold                 flow  is  crucial  to  your         can use the information

            also  look  at  news-                chances  of  success  in            you have found to good

            papers,         adverti-             this  type  of  operation.          effect.  For  a  start,  it

            sements  and  direc-                 Look  and  listen  when             will allow you to make

            tories to  get a “feel”              visiting the locations.             some            informed

            for your market.                        And  finaly,  talk  to           decisions about pricing.

                 If  there  will  be             the  people  who  may

              middlemen  between                 buy  from  you.  Visit

              your  customer  (such              them,     or    telephone

              as    retailers     and            them,  or  mail  them

              distributors)      visit           with  a  questionnaire.

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