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            The sections ahead are              your      business        is      ahead        which        are

            designed  to  help  you             develo-ping.                      designed  to  help  you

            draw  up  a  business                 In addition to this             gather       the       infor-

            plan in order to:                 brochure you will find              mation  you  need  to

               provide          you          within the pack a                   put        your          plan

             with  a  blueprint               checklist which you can             together.(But  remem-

             for  the  operation              use to record your                  ber  that  this  is  for

             of  your  business               progress.                           your use – the various

             and  to  help  you                    Please  remember               headings  and  sections

             decide  whether  it              that  no  amount  of                may  well  be  relevant

             will work                        slick        presentation           to  your  business,  but

               help             you          will      turn      a    bad        don’t  worry  if  they’re

             identify             the         business  proposition               not.  Use  the  form  to

                                              into a good one.                    suit     your      business
             income              and
                                                   The  purpose  of               rather  than  planning
                                              this  section  is  to               your  business  to  suit
                                              show  you  how  to  get             the  form.).  We  think
               help             you
                                              the most benefit from               you  will  find  it  very
             monitor              the
                                              your business plan.                 helpful  to  glance  at
             progress  of  your
                                                   It  is  a  good  idea,         this  form  as  you  read
                                              at  this  stage,  to  take          through  each  of  the
               put  your  bank
                                              out      the     “Business          following         sections,
             in  the  picture  so
                                              Plan”  from  inclosed               which cover:
             they  can  help  you
                                              in  this  pack,  so  you                your objectives
             as       much         as
                                              can      see      what       is         your market
                                              involved.  You  will  be                your  product  or
               help            your
                                              able  to  fill  it  in  after         service
                                              reading  the  sections                  pricing and costs
             advisors  to  see

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