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each         transaction            separate  books  which
            was made, i.e. cash,                will  record  details  of

            credit  card,  cheque.              all  your  sales  and
            Receipts               are          purchases  –  they  can

            entered  on  the  left-             be  bought  at  any  good

            hand        side       and          stationery  shop.  The

            payments        on     the          details       you       enter
                                                                                   Sales  and  purchase
            right-hand           side.          should       include       the
                                                                                   ledgers       You      will
            Due to timing  – i.e.               name  of  the  party
                                                                                   need  to  keep  sales
            you  issue  a  cheque               involved  and  the  total
                                                                                   and             purchase
            which is not paid in                amount           of        the
                                                                                   ledgers        if     your
            for  over  a  month  or             transaction.            Some
                                                                                   business  is  giving
            more        –     it     is         further  detail  may  be
                                                                                   or  receiving  credit.
            unlikely  that  your                required  to  show  the
                                                                                   Nearly  all  business
            cash  book  and  bank               amount          of      VTA
                                                                                   are  invol-ved  with
            statement             will          included  in  the  total
                                                                                   credit        to      some
            agree  on  any  one                 as  well  as  identifying
            day.  It  is  therefore             the  items  e.g.  for  a
                                                                                   The sales ledger is a
            important  that  at                 sale  in  a  china  and
                                                                                   record  of  sales  to
            regular        intervals,           glass  shop,  the  items           your          customers.

            weekly  or  at  least               could be  identified as            You  should  have  a

            monthly,  the  book                 china-glass             orna-      separate  page  for

            should  be  added  up               ments       etc.     For     a     each           customer,

            and  reconciled  with               purchase           in        a     detailing           name,

            your                 bank           manufacturing           busi-      address       and     tele-

            statement.                          ness  the  items  could            phone  number,  the

                                                be  identified  as  raw            terms of  trade,  level

            Sales  day  book  and               materials,  pac-kaging,            of       total       credit

            purchases  day  book                transport, etc.                    allowed  the  relevant

            These         are       two                                            credit  controller  (so

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