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Book-keeping or                keep             accurate            see  when  rising
                   record system                records  of  all  your             costs  are  affecting

            At  the  centre  of                 transactions           you         your profit margins
            every        successful             will  not  be  able  to
                                                                                     measure
            business,  there  is                manage                your         overall  performance
            an  efficient  record               finances  adequately.              of your business

            system. This should                 This                 could           manage             your

            enable  you  to  keep               jeopardise  the  future            cashflow effectively

            a  complete  record                 of                    your                     quickly       if
                                                                                     act
            of      things        like          business,       and,      in       problems arise

            quotations  you  may                particular,            may           keep              VAT,

            make,          invoices,            cause        difficulties          National  Insurance

            bills,  receipts  and               when         completing
                                                                                   and  Income  Tax  up
            payments  in  cash,                 VAT and tax returns.
                                                                                   to date.
            VAT       and      Inland               Keeping adequate
                                                                                   A  simple  book-keeping
            Revenue  forvs,  etc.               records         is      not
                                                                                   system  may  include  the
            These  records  will                difficult,  and  it  need          following items.

            be       needed          to         not  be  time  consu-

            provide                             ming.  The  following

            information  to  help               information            will

            you  to  run  your                  help         you         to

            business.  They  will               understand  what  sort

            also       help      your           of  records  to  keep
                                                                                   Cash  book  this  book
            accountant               to         and  how  to  keep
                                                                                   will  help  you  record
            complete  your  tax                 them.
                                                                                   all  the  daily  receipts
            return.                             Remember  -  good
                                                                                   and  payments  of  the
                                                financial         records
                                                                                   business,  the  names
            What         sort      of           help you to:
                                                                                   of        the        parties
            records  should  I                    improve your
                                                                                   involved        and     how
            keep? If you don’t                  financial control

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