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  suppliers                       one year.                             ---------------------

               premises         and            Medium  term  –  one                 How  big  is  your

             equipment                          year to three years.                 market              (e.g.

               personnel                      ------------------------              number                  of

               personal                        you  will  probably                  potential customers

             details                            find  you  have  more                and  their  spending

                                                to    say     for     your           power)?
               marketing  and
             promotion                          short-term                          ----------------------

               a  book-keeping                 objectives  and  this              What  sort  of  people

             or record system                   is       where          the        will  be  buying  from

               other                           emphasis  of  your                 you?
             information                        planning should lie.                ----------------------

               putting                                                            -
             together  a  profit                      Your market                  Where         are      they

             and  loss  forecast                 ------------------------          located?
             and  a  cashflow                   How is your product                 ----------------------

             forecast.                          or  service  to  be                -

                                                sold?                              If  you  have  researched

                Your objectives                  ----------------------            your potential customers

            Describe  what  you                  How  much  will  it               properly  you  should  be

            want to get out of the               cost  you  to  reach              able  to  give  a  good

            business     and     over            potential                         indication      of     their

            what  period.  Try  to               customers?                        number                  and

            give  an  idea  of  how              ----------------------            requirements,  and  give

            you  see  the  business             What  is  it  about                as much detail about the

            developing  over  this              your business that is              compe-tition as you can,

            period       of     time.           special?                           including      details    of

            Suggested periods are:               ----------------------            where you fit in.

             -----------------------            Who  are  you  aiming

            Short – term – up  to               at?                                Your product or service

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