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And at what cost?                        Personal details              run  your  business
             --------------------                -----------------------           profitably?

            Do  they  have  the                 Why         are        you          ----------------------
            necessary         skills            qualified       to      run        Do  you  know  your

            and capabilities?                   your business?                     own  strengths  and
             --------------------                ----------------------            weaknesses?

            Will      they      need            Has  your  previous                 ----------------------

            special training?                   work  and  business                        Marketing

             --------------------               experience            been          -----------------------------

            What        is     their            relevant?                          Calculate  the  cost

            future potential?                    ---------------------             of  marketing  your

             --------------------               Have  you  attended                goods  or  services.

            What  contribution                  any courses?                       How          do       your

            can  they  make  to                  ----------------------            competitors sell?

            your business?                      Where  do  you  see                 ----------------------

             --------------------               yourself        in     five        Are  you  sure  that

            If  you  anticipate                 years time?                        your         way          of

            employing staff or                   ----------------------            reaching  the  market
            using        freelance              Have  you  got  the                is appropriate?

            services,          what             skills for the job?                 ----------------------

            will  they  be  doing
                                                -----------------------            You  will  probably
            and  what  will  be
                                                                                   be           considering
            the  cost  to  you?
            Have                 you
                                                                                   advertisements            in
            considered            the
                                                                                   your      local     paper,
            legal  implications                 -----------------------
                                                                                   business            cards,
            and  requirements                   What  are  your  plans
                                                                                   phone        calls      and
            of          employing               to  ensure  that  you

            people?                                                                personal visits.
                                                get  the  right  skills
                                                and  knowledge  to

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