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the  cash  book  after                 Controlling your cash          An aged debtor list shows
            reconciliation  with  the             In  the  last  paragraph        how long debts have been

            bank statement.                       comment       was     made      outstanding.           Credit
            You      will    no    have           about sales receipts. How       control  is  vital  to  any

            information  you  need  to            and  at  what  rate  cash       business, especially small

            see  how  your  actual                flows  in  and  out  of  the    ones. If you don’t convert

            results  differ  from  your           business  is  crucial  to  its   your  sales  into  cash

            forecast results.                     survival.             Many      quickly  enough  you  may

            Are sales on target?                  established      businesses     run  out  of  cash,  which

            Has the cost of materials             have  failed  because  of       may put  your business at

            increased  –  reducing                poor  cash  control.  The       risk.

            gross profit?                         ability  to  control  cash

            Are  salaries  higher  than           will       come        with

            expected?                             experience  but  a  good

            What  has  happened  to               start  can  be  made  by

            your sales receipts – who             checking      at    regular

            is not paying?                        intervals  how  much  is

            There  will  be  many                 owed  to  your  business

            questions,  and  answers              and  how  much  is  owed

            will  have  to  be  found  –          by your business.

            but  don’t  panic!  Your              You  will  need  to  have

            local Enterprise Agency,              accurate  reports  on  the

            accountant  and  bank                 status  of  your  debtors

            manager  are  there  to               and creditors.

            help,  prompt  answers                The  best  way  of  doing

            and  guide  you  on  the              this  is  to  draw  up  aged

            right road.                           debtor  and  creditor  lists,

                                                  as  well  as  carefully

                                                  controlling     levels    of


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