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Exactly  what  is                   and  what  are  the                What           is       the
            it?                                 costs?                             competition

             --------------------                ---------------------             charging  (e.g.  are
            -                                   How        have       your         there  recommended

            What  does  it  look                potential  customers               retail prices)?
            like, feel like?                    been  coping  without               ----------------------

             --------------------               your      product        or        How         will        you

            -                                   service  (e.g.  have               complete  (e.g.  do

            How  is  it  to  be                 they  been  obtaining              price,      quality       of

            packaged  if  it  is  a             it      from         other         service?

            product,               or           sources,  or  is  your              ----------------------

            presented if it is a                product  or  service               -

            service?                            different             from         To       obtain        this

             --------------------               others        on        the        information             you

            -                                   market)?                           need  to  undertake

            If  you  intend  to                  ----------------------            some               market

            have  a  range  of                                                     research.  When  you

            products               or                                              have  gathered  the

            services,           how                                                information

            much  will  each                                                       together,  the  rest  of

            contribute  to  the                                                    your           marketing

            amount  of  money                    ----------------------            effort  will  be  much

            your  business  will                How  much will  your               more effective. Here

            make?                               potential  customers               are      some       useful

             --------------------               pay for it?                        market           research

            -                                    ----------------------            techniques.

            If        you         are           How  often  will  they             Conduct              some

            manufacturing,                      buy,  and  in  what                preliminary           desk

            who  will  supply                   quantities?                        research.      If     your

            your        materials,               ----------------------            business  is  local,  you

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