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                 No  plan  will  ever             never realistically be

            work  out  exactly  to                profitable. But often a
                                                                                       How well is your
            schedule.       Remember              little extra
                                                                                        business doing?
            you        are      making            professionalism or effort

            assumptions  of  what                 can turn the situation          It  is  important  for  every

            might  happen  in  the                around by considering
                                                                                  business  to  judge  the
            future  -  you  can  only             the follo-wing:
                                                                                  level  of  its  success  or
            make a reasonable guess
                                                    see  if  you  can  cut
            based         on        your                                          failure      at       regular
                                                   your costs
            knowledge,  experi-ence                                               intervals.    Some      busi-
                                                    test  if  you  could
            and current infor-mation.
                                                   increase your prices           nesses     will    do    this
            However,  some  of  your
                                                        see  if  you  could      monthly       and      others
            assumptions       may     be
                                                   increase  your  level  of      quarterly.    Monthly       is
            crucial  to  the  prosperity
                                                   orders      without       a
            of  your  business.  When                                             recommended  for  new
                                                   corresponding  increase
            looking  at  your  plans                                              business,  19  certainly  for
                                                   in costs
            you  will  have  to  know
                                                     check if your business      the first 12 months.
            which  of  your  assump-
                                                   will  gradually  become           The figures you require
            tions  are  important  to
                                                   profitable - so what you       are  contained  in  your
            you, as any changes will
                                                   need is some finance to        bookkeeping  records  and
            affect  your  business  in
                                                   support  you  in  the          should  be  transferred  to
            both profit terms and the
                                                   meanwhile.                     your  profit  and  loss
            flow of cash.
                                                                                  forecast,  as  well  as  onto
                     If your initial
                                                                                  the cashflow forecasts.
            forecasts suggest the
                                                                                     In  simple  terms  the
            business will not make a
                                                                                  figures  to  be  entered  on
            profit, don't despair. It
                                                                                  the    profit    and     loss
            may be the case that
                                                                                  forecast  will  come  from
            your business could

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