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bread  and  butter.    17.He  can’t  make  head  or  tail  of  it…  It’s  a
                                complete  dog’s  breakfast.   18.There  was  a  feeling  …  that  in  very
                                truth the time for cakes and ale in this world was all over. 19.Vee
                                told him something about her life. “I’m no spring chicken, Bunny,
                                don’t imagine it.”  20.Her chops were burnt to a cinder.  21.He felt
                                cheesed off when he didn’t get the job.  22.The test was simple – a
                                piece of cake.  23.He doesn’t want to do anything. It’s not easy to
                                live  with a couch potato.  24.Variety is spice  of life.  25.Bill says
                                he’ll ask Mary out, I bet he’ll chicken out at the last minute.  26. I
                                was so scared, my legs turned to jelly.  27.This suit makes me look
                                like a sack of potatoes.  28.I won’t go the ballet again, it’s not really
                                my cup of tea.

                            20. Supply Ukrainiian equivalents of the following English proverbs.

                            1.  Life is not all beer and skittles.
                            2.  Every cook praises his own broth.
                            3.  Who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet.
                            4.  A cheerful look makes a dish a feast.
                            5.  Eaten bread is soon forgotten.
                            6.  Man cannot live by bread alone.
                            7.  It's no use crying over split milk.
                            8.  Don't cook a hare before catching him.
                            9.  Too many cooks spoil the broth.
                            10. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
                            11. You can't  eat your cake and have it.
                            12. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
                            13. Butter to butter is no relish.
                            14. Forbidden fruit is sweetest.

                                               Grammar  Exercises

                            1.Fill in prepositions where necessary.

                            l. What can you recommend … the first course?  2. ...breakfast  some
                            people begin ... a plateful ... porridge but more often cornflakes ... milk
                            and sugar. 3.Then comes .. . least one substantial course, then toast ...
                            butter and jam.  4.The meal is "washed ..." … tea or coffee. 5.Tea, the
                            third meal ... the day, is taken ... four and five o'clock especially when
                            staying ... a hotel when a pot ... tea ...a jug ... milk and a bowl ... sugar

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