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P. 116

-   as easy as pie - very easy
                            -   to  have  a  finger  in  every  pie  -  to  be  too  concerned  in  all  what  is
                                going on
                            18.Explain the following food idioms .

                            As red as a turkey-cock; to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth; as
                            soft  as  butter;  to  be  off  one's  saucer;  to  be  roasted  alive;  to  make
                            mincemeat of smb (smth);  to be meat and drink to smb; as close as an
                            oyster; to be nuts on smth; to cut like a knife; as green as gooseberry; to
                            put the fat in the fire; it's another cup of tea; hard cheese; to skim the
                            cream of smth; to be as hungry as a hunter, to have no stomach for smth;
                            to be meat and drink to smb; to eat the fat of the land; oil and vinegar;
                            banana oil.

                            19. Translate into Ukrainian.

                            A.  1.Stainless  steel  cutlery  is  the  best  table-ware.    2.Oh,  bother!  The
                                cake is still in the oven.  3.I think I smell something cooking. 4.- Oh,
                                good  gracious,  I've  put  salt  instead  of  sugar  into  my  tea.  -  No
                                wonder. You're so absent-minded.  5.1 believe the milk has turned
                                sour. 6.Thank God I shall never run to fat. 7.I prefer an open-faced
                                sandwich. 8.Thank you, a cucumber salad will do fine.  9.I'd like  to
                                treat  you  to  something  tasty.  10.  I'm  afraid  the  soup  is  lukewarm.
                                11.You haven't tasted  your coffee yet. - Coffee  doesn't agree  with
                                everybody. 12.1 don't like highly seasoned/ spicy dishes.
                            B.  1.After Bob’s fiancée broke off their engagement, his friends tried to
                                console  him  by  saying  that  there  were  plenty  of  fish  in  the  sea.
                                2.Though John is a real cold fish, his wife is quite charming. 3.It was
                                clear  that  he  was  fishing  for  a  compliment.    4.Since  leaving  New
                                York to live in a small town, Bill has been like a fish out of water.
                                5.His report was neither fish nor foul. 6.After a day at the beach, we
                                were all as red as a lobster.  7.She’s graduated at the top of her class
                                from medical school and the world is her oyster.  8.Mary has been
                                happy as a clam since she changed jobs.  9.I don’t like her, she’s as
                                slippery as an eel. 10.During rush hours the subway is so full that the
                                people are packed in like sardines.  11.Don’t bite off more than you
                                can chew.  12.Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.
                                13.What really brought things to the boil  was a newspaper article.
                                14.They  who play bowls  must  expect to  meet  with rubbers. 15.He
                                explained to her that it was impossible for him to quit his job, which
                                after  all  meant  his  bread  and  butter.    16.I  won’t  quarrel  with  my

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