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15. Certainly you have your favourite elaborate recipes for some dishes for
                            the first course,  meat course,  and dessert. Share them..

                            16. Match A & B.

                            1.  The tea isn’t sweet. Put   …. of sugar.    a)  a cake
                            2.  Have you got   … of chocolate?             b)  a set
                            3.  Can I have  … of soup, please?             c)  a whisp
                            4.  I’d like  … of ice.                        d)  a splash
                            5.  We need   … of paper.                      e)  a cube
                            6.  Buy me   … of soap.                        f)  a sip
                            7.  Buy    … of milk.                          g)  a tube
                            8.  Have you got    … of matches?              h)  a drop
                            9.  I’ve made   … of tea.                      i)  a bar
                            10. Buy   … of toothpaste.                     j)  a slice
                            11. Add   … of water.                          k)  a pinch
                            12. Add   … of salt.                           l)  a sheet
                            13. I’ve drunk   … of tea.                     m)  a jar
                            14. Add   … of soda.                           n)  a box
                            15. I can see   … of smoke.                    o)  a bottle
                            16. Take   … of grapes.                        p)  a pot
                            17. Please pass   … of sardines.               q)  a bunch
                            18. Will you give me   … of biscuits?          r)  a piece
                            19. I’ll have   … of meat?                     s)  a tin
                            20. Don’t forget to buy   … of bread.          t)  a packet
                            21. We need   … of jam.                        u)   a spoonful
                            22. Can I have   … bread?                      v)  a loaf
                            23. Put   … cutlery, please.                   w)  a lump

                            17. Memorize the following expressions. Make up sentences with them.

                            -   as cool as a cucumber - unexcited
                            -   the apple of one's eye - thing or person dearly loved
                            -   the cream of society - those of highest rank
                            -   as like as two peas in a pod - exactly alike
                            -   to play gooseberry - to be present with two persons(eg. lovers) who
                                prefer to be alone, to be a third wheel
                            -   a hard nut to crack - a difficult problem to solve
                            -   to put smth in a nutshell - to say, write in the fewest possible words
                            -   to have another fish to fry - more important business to attend to
                            -   a fine kettle of fish - mess

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