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are brought ...    6.The salad is just ... my liking.  7.May I treat you ... this
                            stuffed chicken or offer you another helping ... dumplings?  8. ... mid-
                            day people have their meals … home or ... the canteen.  9. -Dinner was
                            followed ... coffee served … small cups.  10.May I trouble you … the
                            menu-card?  11. I don't take milk ... my tea.  12.Help yourself … some
                            biscuits.  13. We've got stewed fruit ... cake ... dessert.  14.Meat is served
                            …  plenty  …vegetables.    15.Is  there  anything  ...  your  taste  ...  menu?
                            16.As I'd like some juice to begin ...  .  17.Could I have a portion
                            ...that strawberry tart? 18. I can't decide ... the carp and the duck.

                             2.Use the correct form of the verbs.

                                                                               (From "Theatre"
                                                                             by W.S. Maugham)

                                   Julia Lambert (to be) a very talented actress. She (to play) very
                            well that night. After the performance Julia (not to  want) to go  home.
                            She (to decide) to go to the restaurant and have supper by herself. She (to
                            phone) and (to book) a table for one. A few minutes later she (to arrive)
                            at the restaurant. The waiter (to come up) to meet her, "Your favourite
                            table (to wait) for you  Miss Lambert", he (to say).
                                    "What would you like to order"?"
                                    "I    (to  begin)  with  caviar and  then  I    (to  have)  a  steak,  fried
                            potatoes and a bottle of beer".
                                    "I (not to eat) boiled meat with vegetables for 10 years but this
                             (not to be) an evening to be on a diet", she thought while she (to wait for
                                    The caviar (to come) and Julia (to eat) it with white bread and
                             butter. Then the steak (to arrive), a delicious steak with vegetables and
                             fried potatoes.
                                    It (to take) her only a few minutes to eat all the food. The waiter
                             (to come) up to her table.
                                    "(to be) everything all right. Miss Lambert?"

                             3.Insert articles where necessary.

                            A.  ...meals  and  ...  mealtimes  are  not  …  same  in  all  ...  families  in
                                England.  ... breakfast is ... first meal  of …  day. But it is  often…
                                rather hurried and informal meal.  ..most people do not have ... full
                                breakfast, and some have no breakfast at all apart from ... Hot drink.

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