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P. 111

6.  Mrs Slimmy and Mr Lean had their yearly check up.  Their doctor thinks
                                they should gain on weight. What food will you recommend?

                            7. Make a menu

                                a)  for your birthday party,
                                b)  a person who keeps to a diet,
                                c)  a New Year party / a Christmas party;
                                d)  you  are  the  chef  of  one  of  the    most  famous  hotel  restaurants.
                                    Compile a menu and write it on a separate sheet of paper. Make it
                                    look cheerful and attractive.

                             8.What do we call

                            -   two pieces of buttered bread with cheese or meat between them?
                            -   potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic?
                            -   spoons, forks, knives?
                            -   pudding, cakes, sweets, ice-cream?
                            -   cherries, lemons, peaches?
                            -   breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper?
                            -   bay leaf, fennel, pepper?
                            -   pots, plates, cups, and dishes made of bake clay?
                            -   cups,  saucers,  plates,  tea  or  coffee  service  sets  made  of  baked  and
                               glazed fine white clay?

                            9. Match the verbs with the nouns.

                                            A                                B

                            1.  to scour   a)  dishes          1.  to set    a)  ingredients
                            2.  to peel    b)  peas            2.  to boil   b)  a bite
                            3.  to shell   c)  pans            3.  to lay    c)  pancakes
                            4.  to scale   d)  bananas         4.  to pour   d)  a snack
                            5.  to scrub   e)  fish            5.  to clear   e)  tea
                            6.  to hull    f)  oranges         6.  to have   f)  fruit
                            7.  to stem    g)  nuts            7.  to fry    g)  butter
                            8.  to squeeze  h)  onions         8.  to stew   h)  the table
                            9.  to cut     i)  berries         9.  to heat   i)  the kettle
                                           j)  tomatoes        10. to mix    j)  vegetables
                                           k)  potatoes        11. to chop   k)  meat

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