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P. 110

Vocabulary  Exercises

                            1.Give English  equivalents to the following.

                            Компот,  вівсянка,  вермішель,  язик,  ростбіф,  сметана,  індик,  сік,
                            соус,  кавун,  печиво,  малина,  кухонний  посуд,  сковорідка,  глечик
                            молока,  салфетка,  булка,  ритуал,  виноград,  бокал,  поживний,
                            цвітна  капуста,  ананас,  вітамін,  рецепт,  аромат,  блюдечко,  ікра,
                            оселедець,  прянощі,  оцет,  суниці,  шоколад,  вафлі  кефір,  персик,
                            слива, закуска, гірчиця, макарони, огірок.

                             2.Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following.

                             Appetizers, hors d'oevres, table  d’ote, a la carte, refectory,  seven up,
                             veal, mutton, entrees, melon, mushrooms, carrot, game, sausages, duck
                             porridge,  peaches,  billberries,  pork,  rissole,  grapes,    starter,  venison,
                             delicious, mustard.

                             3.Name 10 kinds of:

                             meat, vegetables, fruit, dessert, fish, drinks.

                            4.Explain   the meaning of the following words and word combinations

                            A  continental  breakfast,  a  full  meal,  plain  food,  housekeeping,  an
                            American breakfast, Fast Food, Yorkshire pudding, sociable time, a hot
                            dog, a hamburger, a happy hour, a hot pot, high tea, to eat out, a toast.

                            5.Mrs Stout is on a slimming diet. Help her  make the right choice. Say what
                            she can choose from the list below to lose weight

                               Wine,  potatoes,  fatty  meat,  chips,  bread,  rice,  lean  meat,  butter,
                            macaroni, a little cheese, pork, green vegetables, coffee, cookies, sugar,
                            apples,  tea,  milk,  cream,  yogurt,  cake,  pastries,  lettuce,  hamburger,
                            grapes,  curds,  pickles,  cabbage,  cucumbers,  nuts,  cherries,  chocolate,

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