Page 58 - Міністерство освіти і науки України
P. 58
here, couldn’t help leaving some impress upon the heterogeneous mixture of which
they formed a part.
American culture is by no means homogeneous. It is fairly accurate to say that in
the United States there are at least six regional cultures: a New England, an Old
South, a Middle West, a Rocky Mountain and Great Plains, a Southwest, and a Far
West culture. In fact, even these are capable of subdivision.
The American English of these regions is not entirely uniform. Everyone is aware
that certain features of speech are peculiar to New England and that others are
characteristic of the coastal South. Indeed, the language employed in other sections
of the country is by no means as lacking in variant features as is sometimes thought .
Besides the various Indian influences, American English reflects the other non-
English cultures which the colonists and frontiersman met in there conquest of the
In the westward expansion of their territory, - the English-speaking colonists soon
came into contact whith the French.
The French borrowings tend generally to fall into two groups. First, there are a
number of words pertaining to exploration and travel, or descriptive of features of
the landscape.
Assignment 6
Translation competence and grammar
Stage I
1. Find English equivalents for the following phrases:
означальний займенник
безособові форми дієслова
об’єктний інфінітивний зворот
підрядне речення
неозначено-особове речення
безособове речення
підрядне додаткове речення
особова форма дієслова
дієприкметникові конструкції
атрибутивні дієприкметники
об’єктний дієприкметниковий зворот
метафорична парафраза
суб’єктний дієприкметниковий зворот
неозначено-особове головне речення
суб’єктний незалежний дієприкметниковий зворот
підрядне обставинне речення
сурядне речення
Stage II
1. Speak on the lexico-grammatical divergences in Ukrainian and English.