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P. 115

a)  Між іншим, Кетут Сукадана вже знає  про наближення
                                b)   Кетут Сукадана вже побачив наближення шторму.
                                c)   Кетут  Сука  дана,  між  іншим,  скоро  побачить
                                    наближення негоди.

                            9.  Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.
                            1.Roda looks out at the last threads of sunset, fading from peach
                            on the horizon to greens and blues, with Venus rising.
                            2. His wife brings in money by offering massages to tourists on the
                            beach; Mr. Roda and one of his sons sell drinks and fruit.
                            3.”I think maybe I'm going to stop working and just hang out at
                            home for a while.”
                            4.  It's  almost  noon,  and  the  taxi  driver  has  just  picked  up  his
                            second fare of the day.
                            5. The problem is potentially serious for an Island that employs 80
                            percent of its 2.5 million people in tourism - from expatriates who
                            run  $500-a-night  hotels  like  the  Four  Seasons  to  farmers  who
                            supply their kitchens and me street-side food stalls that cater to the
                            shop-workers, laundresses, and drivers that keep Bali moving.
                            6. Tourists are abandoning the island as never before.
                            7. "If I'm lucky, I'll get enough for the family's breakfast tomorrow
                            - If not, we have rice."
                            8.Made Roda, a perpetually smiling man with a potbelly hanging
                            over his tattered board shorts, wades into the gentle surf with his
                            net just after sunset on Kuta beach.
                            9. After the WTC [World Trade Center attack], it was quiet for a
                            while, but nothing like this.
                            10. "I've been driving in circles since 7 -this can't go on, can it?"

                            10. Translate the following sentences into English.
                            1. Широкоплечий і вихований у розмові, п. Палмер говорить,
                            що він впевнений в тому, що міцна культура Балі в кінцевому
                            рахунку  допоможе  острову  подолати  його  останню  кризу,

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