Page 120 - 662
P. 120

"Although implementation of non-traditional projects like trash
                            bins could be difficult and involves winning over some advertising
                            agencies," Dashutin said, "it is possible."

                                                             By Victoria Braychenko
                                                                                                        (From KYIV Post)

                            1.  Learn the glossary.
                                Advertisement – a notice, picture or film telling people about
                                a product, job or service
                                Trash  – things that you throw away because  you no longer
                                want or need them
                                Investment – the act of investing money in something
                                Implement  –  to  make  something  that  has  been  officially
                                decided start to happen or be used
                                Production  –  the  quantity  of  goods  that  is  produced;  the
                                process  of  growing  or  making  food,  goods,  materials,
                                especially large quantities
                                Maintenance  –  the  act  of  keeping  something  in  good
                                condition by checking or repairing it regularly
                                Installation  –  the  act  of  fixing  equipment  or  furniture  in
                                position so that it can be used
                                Upkeep – the cost or process of keeping something in good
                                Endeavor – an attempt to do something, especially something
                                new or difficult
                                Receptacle – a container for putting something in
                                Prod – to push something with your finger or with a pointed
                                object;  to  try  to  make  somebody  do  something,  especially
                                when they are unwilling

                            2.  Scan the text and give the gist of the article.

                            3.  Reproduce the situation in which the following is used.

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