Page 111 - 662
P. 111

c)   And  every  week  temple  festivals  took  place  with
                                    processions  of  food  and  flowers,  and  the  metallic,  rock
                                    music of the island's traditional gamelan orchestras.
                            4.  На даний момент бомбардування двох популярних нічних
                            клубів 13 жовтня зруйнувало репутацію Балі  як сховище від
                            індонезійських  нещасть,  а  з  тим  туристичну  індустрію,  яка
                            зробила його найбільш процвітаючим островом архіпелагу.
                                a)  But for now, the robbery of two popular nightclubs on Oct.
                                   13  had  shattered  Bali's  reputation  as  a  haven  from
                                   Indonesia's ills and, with it, the tourist Industry that has made
                                   this the archipelago's most prosperous island.
                                b)   But for now, the bombing of two popular nightclubs on Oct.
                                   13 has shattered Bali's reputation as a haven from Indonesia's
                                   ills and, with it, the tourist Industry that has made this the
                                   archipelago's most prosperous island.
                                c)  But for now, the bombing of two popular nightclubs on Oct.
                                   13  has  been  shattered  Bali's  reputation  as  a  hidden  place
                                   from Indonesia's ills and, with it, the tourist Industry that has
                                   made this the archipelago's most prosperous island.
                            5.  В  найбільшій  небезпеці  знаходяться  індонезійці,  що
                            працюють наприкінці туристичного ланцюга.
                                    a)  Those most at risk are the Indonesians who work at
                                        the bottom of the tourist chain.
                                    b)  Those most at risk were the Indonesians who work
                                        at the bottom of the tourist chain.
                                    c)  Those Indonesians are mostly being at risks who are
                                        working at the bottom of the tourist chain.
                            6.  Він  стверджує,  що  риболовля  –  це  перехрестя  між  хобі  і
                            необхідністю,  починаючи  тягнути  сітку  по  мілині  вздовж
                            берега,  і  підходить  з  рибою  тусклого  кольору  завбільшки  з
                                a)  He  reports  fishing  is  a  cross  between  a  hobby  and  a
                                   necessity, as he began to drag the net in the shallows along
                                   the shore, coming up with a few pale, hand-size fish.

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