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first  prime  minister,  called  Bali  "the  morning  of  the
                                b)   Floating on a surfboard a few hundred yards off Kuta an
                                    hour  after  dawn,  it's  easy  to  see  why  Jawaharlal  Nehru,
                                    India's first prime minister, called Bali "the morning of the
                                c)   Swimming a few yards off Kuta an hour after dawn, it's
                                    easy  to  see  why  Jawaharlal  Nehru,  India's  first  prime
                                    minister, called Bali "the morning of the world."
                            2.    Оскільки  Балі  приваблює  багатьох  іноземців  своїми
                            пишними  рисовими  терасами  чи  обіцянками  високої  хвилі,
                            багато з них і  залишилось тут, закохавшись в його культуру.
                                a)  While  many  foreigners  had  been drawing to Bali  for  its
                                    lush rice terraces or the promise of the perfect wave, just
                                    as many stayed because they fell in love with its culture.
                                b)  While  many  foreigners  have  been  drawn  to  Bali  for  its
                                    lush rice terraces or the promise of the perfect wave, just
                                    as many stayed because they fell in love with its culture.
                                c)  While many foreigners have drawn to Bali for its lush rice
                                    terraces or the promise of the perfect nightclubs,  just as
                                    many stayed because they fell in love with its culture.
                            3. Щотижня відбуваються храмові фестивалі з процесіями їжі
                            та  квітів  і  металевою,  ударною  музикою  традиційних
                            ксилофонічних оркестрів острова.
                                a)  And  every  week  temple  festivals  take  place  with
                                    processions  of  food  and  flowers,  and  the  metallic,
                                    percussive  music  of  the  island's  traditional  gamelan
                                b)   And  every  week  temple  festivals  are  taking  place  with
                                    processions  of  food  and  flowers,  and  the  metallic,
                                    percussive  music  of  the  island's  traditional  gamelan

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