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P. 112

b)   He  asserts  fishing  is  a  cross  between  a  hobby  and  a
                                   necessity, as he begins to drag the net in the shallows along
                                   the shore, coming up with a few pale fish.
                                c)  He says fishing is a cross between a hobby and a necessity,
                                   as he begins to drag the net in the shallows along the shore,
                                   coming up with a few pale, hand-size fish.

                            6.  Translate into English and reproduce the situation in which the
                                following is used.

                            7.  Choose the true statement.
                              1. Floating on a surfboard a few hundred yards off Kuta an hour
                            after  dawn,  it's  easy  to  see  why  Jawaharlal  Nehru,  India's  first
                            prime minister, called Bali "the best place in the world."
                              2. While many foreigners have been drawn to Ball for its lush rice
                            terraces or the promise of the perfect wave, just as many stayed
                            because they fell in love with its culture.
                              3. And every year temple festivals take place with processions of
                            food and flowers, and the metallic, percussive music of the island's
                            national gamelan orchestras.
                              4.  As  the  aftermath  of  terror  begins  to  bite,  many  Balinese  are
                            worrying about the future of their country.
                              5.  Those  most  at  risk  are  the  Indonesians  who  work  at  the
                            bottom of the tourist chain.
                              6. While New Yorkers worried about  job security and  lifestyle
                            after the Sept. 11 attack, for many Balinese the concerns are more
                            basic:  Will my  family has a good place to live? Will I be able to
                            afford to send my children abroad for summer holidays?
                              7.  Ketut  Sukadana  realized  that  the  life  would  be  better  in  his
                              8. After the WTC [World Trade Center attack], it was quiet for a
                            while, but nothing like this.

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