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P. 109

2.  Scan the text and give the gist of the article.

                            3.  Reproduce the situation in which the following is used, translate.

                                     Surfboard                     Catch  a  glimpse  of

                                     Onslaught                     Cheek by jowl

                                     To be at risk                 The aftermath of terror

                                     Gamelan                       To abandon the island

                                     Semi retired                  To hang out at home

                            4.  Answer the following questions.
                                1.  How did Jawaharlal Nehru call Bali?
                                2.  Why have many foreigners been drawn to Bali ?
                                3.  What takes place every week on Bali?
                                4.  Who is Stephen Palmer?
                                5.  What do local officials confirm?
                                6.  What are many Balinese concerned of ?
                                7.  Who is Made Roda?
                                8.  What do Mr. Roda and one of his sons sell?

                            5.  Choose the correct English translation.
                            1.  Пропливши  через  годину  після  світанку  на  акваплані
                            декілька  сотень  ярдів  від  Кути,  одразу  ж  розумієш,  чому
                            Джавахарлал Неру, перший прем’єр-міністр Індії, назвав Балі
                            «ранком світу».
                                a)  To float on a ship a few hundred yards to Kuta an hour
                                    after dawn, it's easy to see why Jawaharlal Nehru, India's

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