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He says fishing is a cross between a hobby and a necessity,
                            as he begins to drag the net in the shallows along the shore, coming
                            up with a few pale, hand-size fish.
                                  "If  I'm  lucky,  I'll  get  enough  for  the  family's  breakfast
                            tomorrow  -  If  not,  we  have  rice."  His  wife  brings  in  money  by
                            offering massages to tourists on the beach; Mr. Roda and one of his
                            sons sell drinks and fruit.
                                  Roda looks out at the last threads of sunset, fading  from
                            peach on the  horizon to greens and blues, with Venus rising. He
                            then points at a Jet coming in for a landing at the southern extremity
                            of the bay. "We'll be fine as long as the guests comeback."
                                                                            By  Dan Murphy
                                                                        (from  Monitor World)

                            1.  Learn the glossary.
                            Swath – a long strip of land, especially one on which the plants or
                            crops have been cut.
                            Hinduism  –  the  main  religion  of  India  which  includes  the
                            worship of several gods and belief in reincarnation.
                            Percussive (technical) – connected with sounds made by hitting
                            things, especially percussion instruments.
                            Abandon(sth) – to leave a thing or a place, especially because it
                            is impossible or dangerous to stay.
                            Expatriate(also informal expat) – a person living in a country
                            that is not their own.
                            Fare – a passenger in a taxi.
                            Rental(also rent) – the amount of money  that you pay to use
                            something for a particular period of time.
                            Surf – large waves in the sea or ocean, and the white foam that
                            they produce as they fall on the shore or on rocks.
                            Jet – a plane driven by jet engines.
                            Extremity – the furthest point, end or limit of something.

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