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indivisibility of the concept, correlated with the suggested text for interpreting and its interpretation is intrinsic to
      the denotative approach; in denotative approach to the interpreting pragmatic and semantic equivalence prevails
      and  the  structural  equivalence  is  almost  not  present.  Denotative  approach  is  widely  used  in  consecutive
      interpreting and in literary translation (poetry especially).

             Transformational approach  is also the variety of  the parallel  speech realization but  it differs  from the
      denotative one by the regularity of the equivalents and divisibility of the concept, corresponding to the ST, for
      separate  conceptual  fragments.  In  transformational  approach  structural  and  semantic  equivalence  prevails.
      Transformational approach is used while translating technical, official and other cliché texts; it is also used in
      simultaneous interpreting, depending on technical specificity of the latter, in teaching translation/interpreting at
      the elementary and intermediate stage. Transformational approach in its specific variant prevails in professional

      consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. Notwithstanding the approach used one more important aspect of the
      translation/interpreting process is, to our mind, the existence of the stage of the intermediate model in it. In the
      interpreting process three main stages should be pointed out:

             a)  perception and analysis of the ST;
             b)  constructing of the intermediate model of the interpreting and checking its relevance to the context,
      situation and background knowledge;
             c)  creating the final interpretation.
             In other words in the interpreting process a interpreter makes hypotheses as for the choice of equivalents
      and only after that creates the final version of the interpreting. When a interpreter becomes a master in the field
      of  interpreting  the  stage  of  the  intermediate  model  constructing  moves  on  to  the  sphere  of  consciousness,
      although its importance cannot be overestimated at the stage of teaching interpreting.
             According to G. E. Miram the application of the parallel speech realization theory as a basic theory of
      interpreting changes the emphases while teaching interpreting:

             a)  first of all it is necessary to separate teaching foreign language where interpreting is just means of
      teaching from teaching interpreting where interpreting is the goal of teaching;
             b)  the  parallel  speech  realization  theory  presupposes  that  teaching  native  tongue  is  as  important  as
      teaching foreign language;
             c)  transformations  (and  transformational  approach)  should  be  used  only  in  the  elementary  and
      intermediate stage of teaching interpreting. Denotative approach should be used at the last stage; students should
      how to do free interpreting, which is not structurally and semantically tied to the ST and Source Language (SL).
      The general  scheme of teaching can  be described  in short as: from regular translation transformations to the
      development of the translation intuition;
             d)  realizing the role of cultural background as the necessary component of the successful interpreting it
      is necessary to pay constant attention to the interpreting of “cultural realia”;
             e)  an  important  stage  in  teaching  interpreting  as  the  parallel  speech  realization  is  special  exercises
      directed at overcoming structural and stylistic influence ST on the interpreting.
             Additions and omissions in the interpreting.
             To  our  mind,  additions  and  omissions  in  the  interpreting  should  be  viewed  as  important  translation
      methods. Good interpreting is not possible without them. Omissions in interpreting into English can be explained
      from the one hand by redundancy of the original from the point of view target recipients and from the other hand
      by the structural and stylistic divergences between the languages.

             According to scholar A. F. Shyryaev there are four stages of teaching simultaneous interpreting. Every
      stage has its own goals and its own methods of teaching.

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