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it into the target language. The second student, basing him/herself on the translation of the group mate and, using
what he/she has remembered from the initial text interprets the same phrase into the initial language. Every
student should perform this task for a certain period of time (from 5 to 20 minutes).
2. To perform this activity, the teacher should give the students the first type of the script with gaps, that
is with some missing words. From the point of view of methodology of teaching English, the first two sentences
should remain as they are in the original and starting from the third sentence every eighth word should be
missed. I think that in our case it would be more beneficial to pick out not only words but interesting collocations
or word combinations. The students do one page of the script and then they check it with the teacher. Then the
procedure continues. According to the learners successfulness in performing this task the teacher decides how
many pages are to be dedicated to this task. It is advisable that every page should be played twice.
3. Another exercise, which can be used, is sight interpreting. The student has the full script before
his/her eyes and his/her task is to interpret it without reading the original. I.S. Alekseyeva says there are different
types of preliminary preparation to this interpreting: the translation is thought over at home; some time for
preparation is provided in the auditorium; text is interpreted without the preparation. In the practice of
interpreting the interpreter may face to all these variants and perhaps it is reasonable to be oriented to this
4. During lasses the text is of course interpreted consecutively. I. S. Alekseyeva also mentions that from
the methodological point of view drawing to teaching sight interpreting has its pros and cons. The positive thing
about the training of sight interpreting is the relative facilitation of the interpreting tasks: the interpreter does not
have to strain his/her memory, the text is before his/her eyes in the fixed position. That is why the interpreter can
concentrate his/her attention on the important goal – working out the skill to formulate the text quickly and
grammatically correct in the Target Language (of course timing of the interpreting should be limited). But there
is danger in this facilitation – to get used to easy tasks because in practice the interpreter interprets by ear. Out of
the said above it could be recommended to use this method in limited amount. From our point of view its part in
teaching interpreting should be not so big in comparison with the teaching interpreting by ear and also should be
used in the classes so to say for the ears of the students to take a rest .
5. I think that the following two activities can be combined, because the second activity is almost the
same as the first one; it is rarely used in practice, but scholar I.S. Alekseyeva describes it as the technique
sometimes used in interpreting. The first activity is syntactic deployment. The interpreter who interprets
consecutively always faces the same task – to interpret the phrase maximally exactly. And whatever level of
his/her operative memory is it will not be enough. It is necessary to understand the sense/meaning of what has
been said that is to classify the speech logically. Some methodologists of translation recommend pointing out
so-called semantic picks in the phrase. This method showed that the interpreting quality of separate phrases
during classes increases but the speed of the interpreting falls and this is the negative thing in the practice of
interpreting. Probably, the reason is that besides different tasks the translator should fulfill he/she should solve
one more logical problem. That is why it is necessary to count on the helpful methods, which will not lead to the
slowing down of the temp. These could be those methods, which the interpreter performs automatically. The
exercise can be subdivided into two activities. At first, students should interpret only the necessary structure of
the sentence, without some additional information that is without the expanded information. Then the learners
should interpret the whole sentences with all the additional information, which is in the sentence.
Next activity is speech compression. The skills of speech compression that is the skills of the
interpreting of the original text in a more compact way are vitally necessary for the interpreter. The essence of
this method is the simplifying of the syntactical structure of the text and the exclusion of the “elements, which
bear secondary information” with the purpose of the diminution of “the number of syllables in the text”. In
consecutive interpreting the task of the interpreter is to transmit the content of the message maximally in full as