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коли), the evening (у той вечір коли), the next time
(наступного разу), at the time (в той час як), by the time (до
того часу коли), etc.:
The moment I saw him I understood everything. — У my
мить, як я його побачив, я все зрозумів.
The peculiarity of Ukrainian adverbial clauses of time are
the composite conjunctions of the type після того як, відтоді
як, з того часу як, в той час як etc. The first part of such a
conjunction can be placed in the main clause, whereas the second
part як (коли) — is in the subordinate clause and is separated
from the first one by the intonation pause, and by comma in
writing, e.g.:
Зробимо це після того, як усі матеріали будуть
Adverbial clauses of manner (attending circumstances) /
підрядні речення способу дії (супровідних обставин)
Adverbial classes of manner are joined in English with the
help of the conjunctions as, the way, as if, as though. They poiht
out in what way the action of the main clause takes place. Rather
often such a sentence bears in its meaning some sort of
comparison, connected with the shade of suggestion, e.g.: You
speak so as if you did not know me. — Ви говорите так, ніби
ви мене не знаєте.
In Ukrainian such subordinate sentences are joined with
the help of the connective word як and the conjunctions: як,
ніби, мов, немов, наче, неначе, ніж (розм. аніж), що and
others. All of them (except ніж) have a correlative word так in
the main clause, which is concretized by the subordinate sentence:
Він ішов так, наче добре знав дорогу.
Among the adverbial clauses of manner there are
differentiated in both languages three subtypes: