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Утому кутку кімнати, що був найближче до столу
вчителя, був невеликий камінь.
Descriptive attributive clauses also belong to one member
of the main clause but are not connected with it so tightly. Such
subordinate clauses can be easily omitted without distorting the
content of the main clause. Compare:
The manager of our office, who is a highly educated man,
speaks several foreign languages.
Менеджер нашої установи, який є високоосвіченим,
розмовляє кількома іноземними мовами.
The connective word in sentences of such a type can be
easily replaced by the coordinating conjunction (сурядний
сполучник) and the pronoun, e.g.: In the street I met some
children, who (= and they) showed me the way to the station. На
вулиці я зустрів дітей, які (= і вони) показали мені дорогу на
In English restrictive attributive clauses are more tightly
connected with the main clause than in Ukrainian. In terms of
plmctuation it is revealed in the way that English restrictive
attributive clauses are not separated by commas whereas in
Ukrainian all attributive clauses are separated by commas.
5. Adverbial clauses / Підрядні обставинні речення
Adverbial clauses of place / підрядні речення місця
In both languages the sentences of such a type characterize
the action of the main or principal clause, pointing towards its
place or direction.
English sentences are joined to the main clause with the
help of the connective words where, wherever, whence.
Ukrainian adverbial clauses of place are connected with
the principal clause with the help of the connective words де,