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include  predicative,  objective,  attributive  and  various  adverbial
                            relations  expressed  by  the  corresponding  clauses  which  may
                            occupy  either  the  preceding  or  the  succeeding  position/place  in
                            regard to the matrix clause.
                                   According  to  I.V.  Korunets',  the  nature of  many  logical-
                            grammatical  relations  created  between  the  subordinate  and  the
                            matrix  clause  generally  corresponds  to  the  nature  of  relations
                            created  between  the  adjuncts/complements  and  their  heads  in
                            subordinate  word-groups.  Hence,  there  are  distinguished  the
                            following groups of subordinate clauses in English:
                                   1)  subjective-nominal:  subject  subordinate  clauses,
                            predicative subordinate clauses, objective subordinate clauses;
                                   2)  qualitatively-nominal:  descriptive  attributive  clauses,
                            restrictive/limiting attributive clauses;
                                   3)  adverbial  clauses:  of  time,  place,  purpose,  cause,
                            attending  circumstances,  condition,  concession,  result,  etc.  in
                                   1)  cубстантивно-номінативні:  підметові  підрядні-
                            речення,  присудкові  підрядні  речення,  додаткові  підрядні
                            речення; обмежуючі атрибутивні підрядні речення.
                                   2)  адвербіальні  підрядні  речення:  часу,  місця,  мети,
                            причини, способу дії, умови, допусту, наслідку тощо.
                                    Similar ideas are expressed by another Ukrainian scholar
                            Yu.O.Zhluktenko,  who  claims  that  the  structure  of  complex
                            sentences and the types of complex sentences do not show much
                            difference  in  English  and  in  Ukrainian.  The  peculiarity  of
                            Ukrainian  complex  sentences  is  a  wider  use  of  the  complex
                            sentences  in the principal part of which there  is a correlative or
                            relative (or demonstrative) word (корелятивне, або співвідносне
                            або  вказівне  слово)  which  is  concretized  or  specified  by  the
                            subordinate clause

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