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so, faction BYT is ready to lay down their
mandates to make this parliament
July, 21 V. Yushchenko cancelled his visit to Moscow
2006 to participate in informal summit of CIS due
to aggravation of internal political situation in
August, 3 In President’s Secretariat, as a result of the
2006 national “Round Table”, the Universal of the
national unity was signed. It was signed by
the President of Ukraine V. Yushchenko, the
Chairman of the Supreme Council O. Moroz,
the Prime Minister Y. Yekhanurov and
leaders of four parliamentary factions: V.
Yanukovych (the Party of Regions), R.
Bezsmertny (“Our Ukraine”), V. Tsushko (the
SPU) and P. Symonenko (the CPU). BYT
refused to sigh the Universal, which Y.
Tymoshenko called “the act of political
surrender of the orange camp”. She assured
that “there is a political force in Ukraine,
which takes responsibility for implementation
of the principles, proclaimed by the Orange
August, 4 V. Yanukovych was assigned the Prime
2006 Minister of Ukraine by the Supreme Council.
President V. Yushchenko appealed
“Ukrainian people to consider this decision as
reasonable, as it presents the chance to
reconciliate two banks of the Dnipro”.
October, 14 V. Yushchenko signed a decree “About
2006 marking of the Day of Memory of
Famishment and Political Repression