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Ukraine’s enormous debt for energy resources
                              supply,  Russia  presented  the  ultimatum,  L.
                              Kravchyuk signed the protocol, which gave a
                              part of the fleet to Russia as discharge of debt.
                              The  whole  Black  Sea  Fleet  including  its
                              infrastructure, was to be used by Russia at a
                              certain  compensation  to  Ukraine.  The
                              situation with the Crimea became more acute
                              after election of Y. Meshkov the President of
                              the  Crimea  in  January,  1994.  He  issued
                              decrees  aimed  at  confrontation  with  Kyiv,
                              thus,  violating  laws  of  Ukraine.  On  March,
                              17,  1995  The  Supreme  Council  of  Ukraine
                              abolished  the  validity  of  the  Crimean
                              Constitution.  The  relations  occupied  legal
                              territory in time.
            June              The law “About unification of citizens” was
            1992              adopted,  which  became  the  legal  basis  for
                              establishment  of  new  political  parties  in
            October           V.   Fokin’s    government    resigned,   L.
            1992              Kuchma’s government was formed.
            June-July 1993  The  strike  of  Donetsk  miners  took  place.
                              Other  working  collectives  representing  other
                              branches  of  industry  joined  them.  Economic
                              and  political  demands  were  presented.  It
                              resulted in pre-time elections to the Supreme
                              Council and the President’s elections in 1994.
            June              The CPU renewed its activity. The congress
            1993              took  place  in  Donetsk,  P.  Symonenko  was
                              elected the first secretary of the CPU. It was
                              registered by Ministry of Justice  in October,

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