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March, 5          The  law  of  Ukraine  “About  introduction  of
            1992              institution   of   representatives   of   the
                              President” assigned the supreme officials of
                              the executive power  - chairmen of the local
                              state  administration.  The  Institution  of
                              Representatives of the President consolidated
                              the  executive  vertical  of  power  to  a  certain
                              extent, but contradictions with heads of oblast
                              and  district  councils  became  obvious.  Their
                              relations  were  not  legally  regulated.  The
                              President’s representatives were abolished  in
            May, 5-6 1992     The  Supreme  Council  of  the  Crimean
                              autonomous  republic  proclaimed  The  Act  of
                              state  independence  of  the  republic  of  the
                              Crimea  and  adopted the  Constitution,  which
                              actually meant that the Crimea was no longer
                              the  part  of  Ukraine.  A  long-lasting  and
                              complicated  struggle  with  the  Crimean
                              separatism  started.  On  July,  1993  the  State
                              Duma  of  Russia  adopted  unprecedented
                              resolution  “About  the  status  of  the  city  of
                              Sevastopil’. It was given the status of the city
                              of the Russian Federation. The UNO Security
                              Council recognized the resolution as such that
                              contradicted  the  statute  of  UNO  and,  thus,
                              having no legal validity. The Black Sea Fleet
                              became  the  stumbling  block  of  Ukrainian-
                              Russian  relations.  In  June  and  August,  1992
                              L.  Kravchyuk  and  B.  Yeltsyn  during  their
                              meetings in the Crimea, reached an agreement
                              about  double  control  of  the  Black  Sea  Fleet
                              for 5 years. Later, having taken advantage of

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