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P. 124
April, 27 –July, The activity of the first State Duma. 102
8 1906 deputies from Ukraine were elected. 42 of
them united into Ukrainian parliamentary
Community headed by I. Shraha, a lawyer
from Chernihiv. The community their own
printed organ - "The Ukrainian Herald". The
political platform consisted in demands of
Ukraine's autonomy, ukrainization of
government administration and education. In
July 1906 the first Duma was dissolved.
November, 9, P. Stolypin’s reform (the Minister of Internal
1906 Affairs of Russia) came in force on
November, 9 by decree of free leaving the
peasant community and was finalized by the
laws dated of June, 14m 1910 and May, 29,
1911. It was aimed at capitalization of
agriculture. Obligatory communities were
abolished, each peasant obtained the right to
demand for his own “vidrub” (peasant
holding) in one land expanse. Peasants could
have their buildings there to form a country
seat (hutir). Only areas of economic
significance (forests) remained in common
property. The government established a
special fund consisting of state and bought out
lands. The lands were bought out by a peasant
bank. Peasants had to return the money during
55.5 years. It was planned to improve the
state of agriculture, reorganize local self-
government. The program of reforms could be
implemented during 20 years. Reactionary
forces opposed the program. The reform of